
I live in Indiana which was flooded out. Why can't we fill trucks with the h2o and deliver to drought areas?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks for your answers. I agree that the effort needed is great, but the destination in my mind would be to the local water treatment plants, which deal with the mentioned impurities.

We have flooding all over and many areas of the country are in desperate need of water.




  1. umm because you cant drink that water ... you need filtration systems .. plus to transport it would be a b*tch lol

    take wayyy too much time / effort / money .. but i guess it can be done

  2. All that water laying around is full of f***s and gasoline and nastiness that's usually kept underground.

  3. I love you and your great idea.

  4. The main reason is the cost.

    People in drought areas can and do import water from nearby areas. Shipping cost is much more than the actual water cost.

    Usually water for drinking is trucked in but the large quantities needed for growing crops is out of the question.

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