
I live in Iran and i want to make an international bank account.but my country is in embargo,how can i do this

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I live in Iran and i want to make an international bank account.but my country is in embargo,how can i do this




  1. Move to another country, or get your country to give up the nuclear proliferation.

  2. I am apolled by the ignorance that some of you people ansering this and other question on yahoo have towards people from the mid east and persia....

    You should all be ashamed of yourselfs the people of Iran are just victims of there corrupt government as we americans are of ours....

    I think your gonna have trouble opening a international bank acount with the current situations unless you travel to the country in wich you want to open an account. Good luck and peace be with you.

  3. The two first answerers are morons, so ignore them.

    I think the answer above me says most of what I was going to say. Good luck!  :D

  4. Overthrow the Mullahs before Israel bombs the h**l out of you.

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