
I live in Los Angeles. I received a summons for jury service for the grand jury.?

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Am I on call for 6 months? What does this mean? What if I have vacation plans? Thanks for all info.




  1. Great.

    I like jury duty. (smile)

    Been on 8.

    they pick me because I fit into a category.

    I never tried to get out of Jury Duty and never been on a

    Grand Jury ( I'm jealous)

    It's not so bad.

    But everybody that has ever gotten off of jury duty, that has had a plan vacation with money put out for it already, they have let them off.

    Others have gotten off by being to agreeable and begging to be on the jury. They get suspicious.  

    Or they say something like "I'm with the salvation army and we don't condone drinking" or "No, a man can't hit a woman never under any circumstances, even if she's 6'4" and 300lbs with a knife and he's 5'3" and 130lbs" (true story) he got off. The deputy DA didn't interview her. She jumped him, lol.

    Grand Jurors, hear really high profile cases.

  2. Each county, like Los Angeles, has a slightly different system for selection of jurors. You indicate that you were given a notice that you are liable to be called for service on a grand jury in Los Angeles Superior Court. That is a different experience than a trial jury.  

    Here is what they have to say on their official website:

    " What Is The Los Angeles Criminal Grand Jury?

    California is served by a unique system, which provides that the Criminal Grand Jury may be impaneled and empowered by law to bring indictments (which are formal charges of generally felony crimes) and also to perform criminal investigations in connection with these indictments. The Criminal Grand Jury will consist of 23 members plus a designated number of alternates.

    In Los Angeles County the Criminal Grand Jury attends hearings to weigh evidence brought by the District Attorney’s Office in order to determine on the basis of this evidence whether certain persons should be charged with crimes and required to stand trial in the Superior Court. The Criminal Grand Jury is an accusatory body and not a trial jury; therefore, the burden of proof is much lower. Specifically, the Criminal Grand Jury must decide if there is a strong suspicion the individual committed the crime alleged.

    What Is The Term Of Service?

    Under current policy, the Criminal Grand Jury is formed monthly and the term of service should not exceed thirty (30) calendar days. You will not, however, be required to report each day. You must be available for on-call service during the thirty day period of the month to which you are summoned. If the Criminal Grand Jury is hearing an indictment on the thirtieth day, it will continue meeting until the matter is resolved. Upon conclusion of your service, you will be excused from trial and grand juror service for the next twelve (12) months. "


    I hope this gives you some idea of what is required. If you have vacation plans or other conflicts, let the court jury commissioner's office know; frequently, they can delay your service until you return from vacation, as long as it is not an unreasonable period of delay.

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