
I live in Los Angeles and want to go see the Perseid Meteor shower tonight. Anyone know the best time and pl?

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I live in Los Angeles and want to go see the Perseid Meteor shower tonight. Anyone know the best time and pl?




  1. NASA thinks the time to start watching the show is at 9pm in any time zone tonight.  The best time should be around 2 am when the sun will have set.  Happy hunting!

  2. Any time after dark, and out in the boonies. You won't see much in the city.

  3. Get as far away from LA as possible.  The darker the skies the better.  You have some mountains nearby, higher is better too.

    The clear sky clock may be able to help you.  I've given you a link to an observatory run by an LA group.  I've no idea where it is.  But if you click the Light Pollution map link, you get a clue where to go.  This observatory is as bad as my front yard, maybe.  I saw three meteors Saturday night, one was a Perseid - as it traces back to the radiant in Perseus.

    Go out tonight. Stay up as late as you can.  It's better after midnight.  Try the next few days.  The peak is tomorrow.

    Oh, that's right.  You guys don't have weather, right?  Here in Michigan, it has rained twice since Saturday.  Thunder and lightning. What are you waiting for?

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