
I live in MO and I have a masters & would like to teach, should I go back to school to get a certificate?

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I just finished my master in sociology and want to teach social sciences. I know I have to take a test, is that all I would need to do? Do I have to student teach? What would it take to transition to do it?




  1. You absolutely must do the work to obtain your certificate for the state of Missouri, no question on that.  

  2. Here is the document for your states certification.

    It is more than tests - you need curriculum and methods courses as well as your student teaching.

    often, these documents are hard to figure out if youve never read them before - here is your states certification faq:

    Short version is: you need to find a teacher credentialing program.

    I did not include any information about alternative entry programs  - as you did not state which district you are interested in (usually only larger urban districts support this because of the need for teachers) but here is the job listing website::

  3. You could work as a substitute while you're working on your certification. A lot of places have programs where you can teach and work on your certification at the same time.  

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