
I live in Michigan, Can i be a foster parent to a child that lives in tx?

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Or can i only be a foster parent to children in Michigan because i live in michigan?




  1. I was a foster parent and I think you may have to get licensed and live in the same state as the child.

  2. Are you sure you want to do this?  I mean, the child might want to, you know, go looking for those pesky "birth" relatives someday, after you've spent all that money and sent them to the finest schools and bought them all the best clothes and toys and stuff.

  3. The first goal of foster care is to reunite the child with his or her original family.  Unless you are willing to move to Texas, that goal of foster care is incompatible with the child living across the country.

  4. You can only be a foster parent to children who live in Michigan unless you are related to the child in Texas.  If you are related, then the case MAY be transferred to Michigan along with the child.  It's the only exception that I know of.

  5. What is that, 'long distance' fostering?


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