
I live in Mo, i keep getting a turtle in my yard, can I feed it, if so what or what can i do to help it.?

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How Do i answer you guys back, new on this

But whats the best way to find out what kind of turtle this is?

And secondly, as an avid animal lover who teaches CPR/First Aid for humans and animals, I can't leave the turtle in my yard-pit bull loves to play with it to much-lol




  1. No, you can not feed it.  You should leave it alone.  In Missouri all reptiles are protected by law.  The best thing you can do is not to stress it.

    Leave the wild to the wild.

  2. If it keeps showing up, it apparently has the ability to move around and is probably fine in your yard..  Some turtles like snapping turtles feed on meat and have a dangerous bite.  Other like common painted turtles eat most anything.

  3. As far as answering back, you can edit your question but Y!A is not designed for that. Try a forum such as the Science/Math forum on

    If it keeps showing up, it might be a box turtle, either the three-toed or ornate. Is the shape more like a loaf of bread (box turtle) or more like a pie or pancake (aquatic turtle). Get a copy of the Peterson guide to reptiles and amphibians, by Conant and Collins. That will help you with the ID.

    You can feed a box turtle but your dog may get to the food first. Don't worry overly about poisoning the turtle (turtles are smarter than that) or about the dog considering it a plaything. While being a dog-toy doesn't do the turtle any good, it usually doesn't result in MUCH harm.

  4. just let the turtle do what he/she wants to do, I live in Mo to,and your are best to leave wild animals be wild animals and do what they do

  5. Why can't the turtle live a good life in your yard? Rabbits surely do. After all the wild places are full of animals that eat turtles. Most carnivorous animals in the wild will eat a turtle or part of it if given the chance. Your yard may be a much safer place even with dogs and cats about.

    Be careful to find out the type of turtle yours is before feeding it anything. Feeding it the wrong kinds of food can make it sick

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