
I live in Ny and I want to be a BOSOX FAN!(i'm new to baseball so i can pick any team i want and can't be.....

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judged! And




  1. Rent "Fever Pitch" - it's awesome!

    Welcome to Red Sox Nation!

  2. your not the only one i also am a redsox fan and live in NY and believe it or not if u want to show ur pride and feel good about it well go to Franklin Ave. in Manhatten and there is a restaurant for redsox fans that is where i go to eat when i go out  

  3. Thats right!!! You can pick any team you want.  No one will judge you and it seems to me you picked a pretty good team.  

  4. good for u! go bosox

  5. What? WHY?! You live in New York! You're supposed to be a YANKEE fan! The Red Sox are your RIVAL!  

  6. go cubs

  7. If you choose to be a Red Sox fan, that's on you. If you want to do it, go ahead. Your friends and others can say as they choose, but in the end, you have to be comfortable with the team you're rooting for.

    As for being judged: People are always going to have something to say about your allegiance, especially if you live in New York and choose to root for Boston. But as I said before, the choice ultimately is yours, not theirs.

  8. Bandwagoner

  9. Don't listen to Capricorn, Fever Pitch is an awful movie. I thought I was going to throw up after seeing that movie.  If you want to be a Red Sox fan and have all of NY hate you, go ahead.  

  10. I like decision you choose hope you enjoy it as much as me

  11. Ya u live in new york and wanna be a red sox fan ONLY because they won the world series last year.  Ur new to baseball.  Well U wanna learn something fast, U R what they call a bandwagon fan.  U wnna kno whut that is?  It means u wanna b on the bandwagon of a winner.  Ur a classless jackass.

  12. Did you move since last night? Just last night you said you lived in Tampa Bay.  Click on this:;...

  13. than be a bosox fan it dosent matter where you live. you dont have to like that team at all.

    Just keep it to a low profile. or you could get run over or beating up!

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