
I live in Ohio and my ex is pregnant how hard is it going to be to get 50/50 custody?

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my exgirlfreind is pregnant and is telling me that she is not going to let me see my kid. she has no job and lives with a freind. she probibly wont work while she is pregnant. her parents arnt paying for anything. she also has a felony while i have a clean record. how hard is it going to be for me to get custody half the time, i dont want her to be out of the babys life but i do want a fair chance to be a good dad.




  1. Babies need their mamas. I wouldn't even TRY to get 50/50 custody until the baby is older. If she is breastfeeding, that is ridiculous to try to take the baby half the time. For now, I'd petition for joint legal custody, and come to some kind of agreement as far as some weekend visits, or daytime visitation. As the child gets older, you can petition for overnights, then finally, maybe do a week with mom, and a week with dad. This worked for my ex and I. Things were ugly at first, but you need to put your differences aside for your baby. This may sometimes seem like you're "losing" when it comes to the fight with your ex, but your baby is actually the one winning.

  2. to tell you the truth as long as she is taking care of the baby the right way and she don't want you to have anything to do with the baby it will be pretty hard to get 50/50 unless you get a great lawyer!

  3. It depends on the laws where you are, I would ask this question in law section of yahoo answers as well.

    In many places when a child is born out of wedlock the father has no parental rights to the child what so ever, which means either she will have to agree or you will have to prove that she is unfit.

  4. i thought you just asked a question about not knowing if the baby is yours?

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