
I live in Reno NV, there is some form of return to the bank a car that has not been paid?

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My husband had a problem and I am very sick, we can not continue paying the car, there anything I can do and this too will not affect my credit or knows someone somewhere where they can buy it?




  1. You can return it but will still be responsible for the balance of the loan. You can sell it but if not for the amount that is owed will not be released from the loan, all of which along with if late on the payment will affect your credit score significantly.  Sorry there is no easy way out, in fact other than paying the loan is no way out without affecting your credit negatively.

  2. Just try selling it. Most likely you will have a balance still due but it will get rid of majority of the loan for you. I do not think that the dealer will take it back since it was driven off the lot and the contract was signed.

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