
I live in Scotland and i am 14 what jobs can i do in the summer?

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I live in Scotland and i am 14 what jobs can i do in the summer?




  1. shops that don't sell alcohol can employ you. When I was 14 a friend of mine got a job in a shoe shop.

  2. the paper round woop woo

  3. get into 1 of the fast food restaurants, macdonalds, burger kings, not really the nicest place to work.. but they pay very well for young employees.. and you'll make some great friedns

  4. in a shop, glass collecting in a bar, paper round, helping on a farm perhaps cleaning out horses/animals etc.

    Erm pot washing in restaurants. There are loads bt at 14 i guess its jst a case of getting some grown ups to help get u the job because every 14 year old i know has got their job through adults. Ive never seen a job for a 14 yr old advertised in the paper!!

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