
I live in Seattle, WA. Where am I allowed to work at 15?

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I really would like to work, but i'm only 15 and a half. Any ideas?




  1. There are no restrictions on WHERE you are allowed to work.  However, there are a lot of rules about what kinds of jobs a person under 16 can be given while at work.  For example, you are allowed to work in a grocery store, but you cannot use or clean a meat slicer.  You can work in a factory or shipping center, but you cannot load or unload trucks.  

    The list is quite long.  If you want to see it, click on this Web page:

    And of course, being allowed to work is not the same as being able to get hired.  There are a lot of kids out there trying for the same jobs, so employers can be choosy.  

    Especially for someone who is younger, like you, it is very important that you apply in person.  Lots of people here ask for Web sites where they can get jobs. That's not going to work for you.  Show up in person, smile, show enthusiasm, and be sure to dress as if you could start immediately.  Of course, you will not actually do that.  But you should LOOK as if you could.  Employers want to see that you understand that work is serious.  So, no torn jeans and no dirty sneakers.  And expect that you will get turned down ten times (or 50!) before you get hired.  You just have to keep at it.  Walk in, ask to speak to the manager, and ask if they have any openings.  If they say no, go to the next store or whatever and try again.

    Good luck!!

  2. Yeah, they are picky....your better off becoming a hooker, at least you will be making better money....

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