
I live in TN. I owe the IRS for back pay.My income tax check was taken.Will they take my stimulus? I have . .?

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..recieved a paper in the mail telling me how much i will recieve and that it will come in the next few weeks. Does that mean i probably will get it? I still owe a few thousands. Is TN one of those states that private companys colect owed taxes or no?




  1. If you owe federal taxes then usually you won't get a check...

  2. You received a letter because IRS is obligated to inform you how much you qualify for.  You will not receive the stimulus rebate check, it will be offset and applied to your IRS debt.  Read you installment agreement terms and conditions that are in your installment agreement letter you received when IRS accepted the agreement.

    It states that "any and all refunds will be offset and applied to your IRS debt". Also states that even though the refund is offset you must still make your monthly payment.  If you miss a payment you could risk defaulting the Installment Agreement and IRS could demand full payment.

  3. No, the letter comes anyway to tell you the amount you are eligible for.  If you didn't owe, you'd get the amount sent to you, but since you do, it will be taken toward what you owe.  You'll get another letter telling you that.

  4. Yes they will. It will be credited to what you owe. Happened to my mother.

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