
I live in Tennessee can I buy a handgun on line can I have it delivered or do I have to go through a dealer?

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I live in Tennessee can I buy a handgun on line can I have it delivered or do I have to go through a dealer?




  1. Please people tell me you can't do this!

  2. it's a whole lot cheaper just to order the gun from a dealer to avoid the fee's involved with this.

  3. If you buy a handgun online, it has to be delivered to a Federally Licensed dealer in your state. You then go to that dealer and do the paperwork to have the gun transferred to you observing all the Federal laws and laws of your state. Depending on your area, dealers seem to charge between $30-$80 to do a mail-order transfer.

  4. You can order online if you have someone with a FFL receive the gun.  You can ask your local gun shop if they will transfer the weapon.  They usually will, with a transfer fee of about $25.

    This is Federal Law, so it applies everywhere.

  5. In ANY US state you have to complete paperwork in person to legally buy any firearm.  I don't know if you can BUY on-line, but you must personally take delivery directly from a dealer.  The only exception is a private sale from an individual.  No reputable websites allow individuals to sell firearms though their site.

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