
I live in UK, girl lives in China, Got married in Las Vegas, but we want to get divorced. What are my options?

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Hi guys,

Need some advice about the question I posed.

I got married on the 28th July 2006 to a Chinese national i had only known for 1 week. A stupid thing I know.

2 years on, and I haven't talked to her for 1 and a half years.

I want to get divorced as I know this can cause problems in the future

How should I proceed to do this?

How long can i expect for it to be complete?

Is there anything else I should know, as I have no idea?

I am currently 21 years old, a student and if I contact this girl, I'm more than certain she will agree to get a divorce.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Step One: Take that marriage license and find out if it is legally binding or not.

    Step Two: If not, contact her and let her know.  Move to Step Three.  If so, contact her and let her know and tell her your desire.  Move to Step Four.

    Step Three: Congratulate her on the wonderful Olympics, wish her a nice life and get on with yours.

    Step Four: If she agrees, follow legal procedures ASAP.  I don't know how long it takes.  If she doesn't agree, challenge her to a duel and win.

    But seriously, if you're more than certain, don't worry.  Just consult professional legal help and follow directions.  Ah, the things we do when we are young!  :)

    PS  Could you write us back and let us know how it turned out?

  2. Every state in USA has its own rules and laws for divorce. If you married according to the rules of that state and you have a marriage certificate also, then you are legally married according to UK laws also.

    So if you want to remarry, you have to get a divorce first (if you are living in UK) or that girl (or someone else !!) can cause problems for you later.

    There are lots of websites which will explain the procedure.

    Simply, it will be something like this.

    If you are normally resident in UK or your domicile is UK then you can file a divorce petition in a family court here.

    You must have a valid address of that girl, where the court can contact her.

    You have to have some grounds for divorce.

    Four types of cases

    Your partner has committed adultery

    your partner has behaved in an unreasonable way

    You have been living apart for over TWO years

    or your partner has deserted you "five years"

    In your case it seems that Two years formula will be used.

    You will file a divorce petition and then court will send a copy of your petition to that girl. She will reply, whether she agrees with divorce or wants to contest it.

    So you should agree with her beforehand.

    You also need to find out that she has not married again in China !!!

    If she has ! then you better speak to a good solicitor and take further advice.

    Usually it takes about 4 to 6 months is straight forward cases. In your case it may take longer !

  3. if you get married in veges and live in the uk you are not recognized married unless you send off you wedding documents back to america and have shown then to the people who give you a wedding permit in uk hun hope this helpsx

  4. I'm a Lawyer and i have dealt with loads of cases like this and all of them have never been that bad they got divorced easily and no problems were created in the future. My only advice is to meet a lawyer talk to you re partner about it and then decide what to do. Do not worry things will probably work out in the end. Good Luck

  5. so stupid...i cant help you sorry but good luck..

  6. if u married in Vegas, chances are, you aren't really married

  7. you are in UK, she is Chinese, got married in Vegas, so divorce can be done in Moscow  

  8. I'm not exactley sure on what to say but just get divorced. If she will agree with it it shouldn't take that long. But I don't know how the process goes where either of you live. But you probably should have gotten it anulled in the first place.

  9. Did you get a marriage certificate and file it in a court? If not then its not a legal marriage no worries. Also if you DID file it with a court then you are married under US laws not UK. If you move back to the US then you must live in US state for 6 continuous months "technically" before filing for divorce. An uncontested divorce is pretty cheap with no children.  

  10. Well I guess it was a marriage of convince. And now you've learned a valuable lesson..or have you.  

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