
I live in a home that has just been sold. Need information..?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, the home I am living in has just been sold today.. How long do we have until we must leave? We we're told we have 15 days but, that just does not sound right.. I thought that by law we have a month..30 days. I have made prior plans that have cost a lot of money to leave this Saturday and would not be back for 20 days...that gives me NO time to get everything packed nor time to look for another place on short notice. I live in North Carolina by the way.




  1. It is between the seller and the buyer to determine the number of days you have before they close on the house.  The buyer can request 15 days but your parents have the final say.  The buyer can not have you move out before the property closes.  Typically it takes at least 30 days for the paperwork to be finalized and the properyty to close.  If you are using a realtor they can help.

  2. Your parents need to look on the escrow papers for when the old owners need to be out.  This is usually discussed this way the seller has time to pack up and move.  Otherwise I think 15 days is rather too soon and 30 would be more adequate.

  3. The contract that your parents signed would address this.  If they put nothing in the contract then you need to be out at the moment of closing.

    An owner has the right to have immediate possession of their property unless there is a signed lease (and a lot of sellers get a temporary lease so they can stay in their house for a couple of days after closing).

  4. Are you renting? Do you own the house? Did you sign a lease? Did you sign a deed? A little information here would be HELPFUL.------------------Sorry. The possession of the property passed to the new owner upon signing of the deed. He is being nice to you giving you 15 days after closing. Look in the contract to purchase to see if the possession of the property is specified and different. Unless there was something written down giving you 30 days you could be considered trespassing. From the new owners view he has a difficult tenant and may have to resort to legal procedure to get you out. He can also sue you for fair value of rent while you are in the house. Hope this helps.

  5. The answer probably lies with your State Department of Housing.  But my guess is that since you posted this question 22 minutes ago, that is 22 minutes you've wasted when you should have been packing.

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