
I live in a shared house, am i doing something wrong? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been livin in a shared house for a week, there all guys aged 18 - ? 35? when i arrived i realsied there was no towel to try the dises the shower was black with dirt, and no body really cared! ..... i walked in to the kitchen yesterday and found the t-towel which i had bought for drying the dishes for the previous week had previously been used for a beer towel.... floor cloth ... and many other things how yesterday it was burning on a cooking ring .... 2 guys were in the livin room playing playstation and u could smell burning .... i sayed btw the t-towels on fire..... they just kinna umm didnt turn didnt blink! i pulled it off and put it in the back garden ... it wasnt use able n e more! then i thought if they cant be bothered why should I .... i put it back on the ring ... and walked upstairs...... one of the guys on the playstation eventuly afer about 20 min smelt the burning and got off the playstation and porred water over it ..........I woke this morning to abuse of arsonist! ..... am I doing something wrong? did i do the wrong thing?




  1. What you did wrong was move in with a load of moronic slobs!

    No sympathy, didn't you spot this beforehand?

  2. Well, my personal opinion is move out.  Find somewhere else to go and live - these guys don't seem too bothered about anything.  You didn't do anything wrong, I guess you are just a normal person  a bit concerned about the state of the place - as would most of us be!  Why did you agree to take the room if it was in such a bad state?

    I would look for something else, take it, then explain you are moving out - before the place burns to the ground!


  3. Yes, of course you have done the wrong thing.  The problem is that you, even though you are a mere male, care, and the others don't give a toss.  That can be the problem with all male households although I do believe that g*y guys get a good press on that score!   You obviously want a home and not an existence ... look elsewhere and you just find one!  Good luck .........

  4. Yes, you did a stupid thing by putting back on the ring, you are lucky it didn't fall to the floor and set the kitchen or worse the house on fire.

    I would move out.

  5. Your big mistake is staying there, move on.

  6. they sound like total hypcritical slobs and bullies, i've been in your situation, maybe they resent you i would look for decent people to live with

  7. No, but they won't believe you if you defend yourself and don't really care anyhow.  Call him a fat freak and challenge him to a game of playstation, and stop worrying about it - they'll care for 5 minutes tops.

  8. yes u muppet

  9. before the place burns down you need to

    find somewhere clean and safe to live.

    there is no point trying to get your housemates

    to listen , they are to busy enjoying the local cafes/  

  10. Move on - and learn to type English properly.  

  11. Just leave. THey won't notice that you don't live there any more. /

  12. You saw what the place was like when you moved in. What do you expect living with a houseful of doped-out slackers? You moved there for the social anarchy and now you see what it brings.

  13. As much as I love Amsterdam, is anyone in the house sober? They don't care & you just need to move! Move back to Ireland, or stay & see what they are on that you won't care of the living conditions.

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