
I live in a small community where everyone is related. Is it normal for them to attack me and spread rumours?

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I am an attractive 27-year-old single woman. I was an only child and I am currently living with my parents while I attend graduate school. My parents are in their late 60's. I live in a community where people are mean rednecks. They know some people that have power. As a result, they get the powerful people to spread rumors about me. They say that I'm stalking a man in the community that is my age and way too short for me. (This particular boy tells everyone that I'm after him and won't leave him alone.) I avoid them and they constantly spy on me and try to find out about my life. I go outside to walk my dogs and they yell comments about me being stupid, fat, ugly and etc. I don't like my reputation being ruined and I don't bother anyone. I think it is best to live and let live. The rumors have extended to jobs that I had and outside this little community. People have even approached me to ask if it is true or not. What should I do???




  1. well, lets see... i'm from argentina, but i know people lived in a small town for a few years, where some landowners (powerful people) live, and i was there too... so I don't know if i can help, but i can tell you should go to another place, that happens in every small town, some people is so bored that spread rumors about the people to get fun... i just wanna you know that there, here and anywere is the same thing... you are true, it is best to live and let live, but some people won't understand...

  2. don't know if its normal, but i think its really rude and VERY immature.  if they want to do that stuff, it their own problem, and even though it hurts and is annoying, it is best just to ignore it.  don't lower yourself down to their level.  people outside of the 'clan' will eventually just figure out that the others are just jerks and realize that there is nothing really wrong with you.  Maybe they are just jealous because you are better looking and more mature than them

  3. Let me guess, you're in Montana?

    Stand firm, walk the line, be patient.  Be who you are.  Getting hysterical will not get you anywhere.  Folks are approaching you? That's a good sign.  It means that they're starting to put two and two together and coming up with a sum that makes them wonder about the intentions of the naysayers.

  4. You can move to another town, but things are the same everywhere. People are vicious, rumor spreading gossips everywhere you go. Just hold your head high and prove them all wrong. The only way to escape this sort of behavior is to move to a big city and become completely anti-social......Doesn't say much for us human beings, huh?

  5. Sometimes it's like that.  Usually drugs and/or alcohol are involved.  Sounds like you didn't bow down to the head troublemaker.  Ignore and hope for the best.

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