
I live in a small town and iasked the police for cousin is obsessed with my 12 yr old daughter?

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any way the police asked me to get him help instead of me getting a warrant..i dont like the thought of him hurting my daughter and i dont know if there is someone out ther to help me get him arrested or put away before he actually does something bad




  1. Get yourself a good 12 gage pump shotgun, load it with double aught buckshot.  Invite your cousin to go for a ride to a safe area for shooting, and bring a watermelon.   Shoot the watermelon, and inform your cousin that if anything at all harms your daughter, that splattered watermelon will be a mirror image of the offenders head.  If your cousin doesn't get the message, pretend he is the watermelon.  I have absolutely no use for child molesters. (except target practice)

  2. Your a little confused about how the justice system works.  Warrants are issued to arrest someone for a crime they've committed.  Your cousin has not committed a crime so that is not the way to go.

    What you need to do is go to the courthouse and file a restraining order against your cousin.  Ignore what Mobile said, you do not have to have a reason to file a restraining order.  That way he has to stay a certain distance away or he will go to jail.  Also keep a good eye on your daughter, inform the school about this, and anyone else that can keep an eye on your daughter.

  3. There's no help for him. He's a potential sexual predator and he needs to go to jail before he cause someone a great deal of damage. There's no cure for these perverts. Only confinement...or death.

  4. You need a reason first. If the fact that he's obsessive and you're frightened for your daughter's safety is it, then by all means, apply for a restraining order from the court using this as your reason. Otherwise, unless he actually commits a crime, there's not much the police can do.

  5. until he does something no one can get him arrested.

    Make it clear to your cousin he is not welcome ever in your house.  He is not to see her.  Make sure he knows you will take strong action if he does anything.

    Never let him near your daughter.

  6. If you fear for your daughters safety, than go to the courthouse and fill out paperwork for a restraining order.

    You will need to list concrete reasons why you feel your daughter is in danger.

    Make the school aware of your concern.

    Do NOT go to family functions that he is attending.  Do NOT let him have any access to your daughter, even threw eyesight what so ever.


    If  If he breaks the restraining order, than he will be arrested.

  7. Try moving up north somewhere. Do it before he marries her.

  8. you could get a restraining order from the courts

    but you would have to show proof to the either District attorney or

    a judge that your cousin is going to Harm your daughter

    No proof -no can do (you cant get a restraining order

    with out some type of proof and just be obsessed with your

    daughter (thee no crime there)

    (has he tred to kiss her? hug her? whats are her feelings about it?

  9. ok first how old is this cousin, and why do you feel he obsessed. Being a parent at times we may read more into something than is actually there. I think the best thing to do is avoid being in the same places. A restraining order is only a piece of paper. If his intentions are bad that will not stop him. So long as an adult who is trusted is always close to the girl. that is a huge deterent. I also agree with the police that getting him help would be a great first step. We can't go putting someone in jail because they find someone else attractive or even if they have sexual thoughts of the person. this can only be done if they attempt something against the wishes of the person, or they use their position of trust in a bad way. I am going to guess you are a woman. if I'm wrong then sorry. Try having an older male member of the family talk to him not in a threatening manor but in one of concern.

  10. You are the PARENT, if you are suspicious of your cousins behavior, then deny him all access to you daughter, if it is an issue where you dont want to tread on other family members toes, then be with your daughter every second that your cousin is around her, dont invite trouble, prevent it, the police will only get involved if something happens, and why put a child through that.

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