
I live in america but i want to move to spain where do i start...?

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should i learn the money.. or what(besides get my passport)what do i doooooooooooo




  1. save money, then learn language (or maybe at the same time).  Research where you might want to live, and how life in Spain is.

  2. If you do not have a EU/EEA passport then you cannot just move to Spain on a whim

    You will need to obtain a working or student visa BEFORE you move.  A working permit is not an easy prospect anywhere in the EU.   You can read more about this here for the details on how, where etc

    Since the opening of borders to additional countries in the EU, consequently the labour market is now massive, and companies cannot sponsor a person to come to the EU with a work visa unless they can prove that this job cannot be fulfilled both by anyone within the EU.

    So if it is for work you are looking for, then you will need to either apply via the highly skilled migrant (a profession which is not easy to find within the EU labour force, or in a shortage), or work first for a company in your own country and then get transferred to a branch office on the basis of specific knowledge built up during that period

    Also language skills are important.  There may be international companies where the working language is English, but you will still need Spanish to "survive" - shopping, understand bills, filling in tax forms etc etc.

  3. Just pack up and move, eh??

    First, prepare, prepare prepare. You will be a foreigner and will not know the language or customs, Learn those first. Learn the country, it's people, their customs, money, ways of making things happen, humor, drinking methods, music, wow, where to start.

    Just do your homework boy, then go.

  4. I take it, you know some Spanish and have an idea where you would like to go to. Get in contact with the Spanish embassy or consulate. You will need a working contract or a place at university to get the visa. You'll need that to get a work-permit once you are here. So don't come as a tourist and than try to stay... it doesn't work.

  5. You MUST learn the language, you must have some money to start. For the rest, better ask the Spanish counsulate/embassy. As being from a non-EU country, you better try to get a working contract in advance.

    Besides, here the economy is going down a lot in the moment,so finding work will be quite difficult.

    You must be a bit more explicite, like where in Spain would you like to live, what work experiances do you have....

    Good luck!

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