
I live in an apartment and would like to know how to turn on the electric meter if I am disconnected?

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I live in an apartment and would like to know how to turn on the electric meter if I am disconnected?




  1. you should call your elec company to do that, if there is a tag or sign on the box then DO NOT TOUCH IT, it will be illegal to do so and could be unsafe.

  2. Paying the bill is always a good idea.

  3. Simply call the electric company and have them turn it on.

  4. if you paid your bill as you should you wouldnt be disconnected.ring your provider

  5. How about this,  pay your bill and you won't have to worry about being disconnected in the first place.

  6. You PAY the bill. that's how you get the electric back on.  

  7. Nobody on this board is going to help you ripoff the electric company.

  8. usually the electric company or the maintainance crew at the complex would do that.  

  9. It can be done, but it is not hard to be discovered.  It is very illegal and you would end up with a large fine, possible jail time, and it would be very difficult for you to ever get electricity again.  It would be necessary for you to make a large deposit up front before you would ever have electricity in your apartment again.

    I would really think about this before going forward.

    Go to the electric company and discuss other options.

    good luck.


  11. leave it alone for the electrician or power company to do if it is disconnected pay your bill and they will reconnect it !!!!!!!

  12. it is VERY illegal. you can do it but it is REALLY REALLY DANGROUS DONT DO IT!!!!

  13. That is illegal.

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