
I live in base housing what should I do?

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Ok my neighbors next door don't ever mow their lawn, I don't know why they don't get written up... His wife is able bodied and dose not work. They leave their sprinkler on for days at a time, water hitting my house and making noise so I shut it off. They are very anti~social. Should I say something to them, leave a note, Or complain to base housing? The grass is up to my knees...




  1. I can't believe that base housing isn't already on top of it!!!  I'd contact them (housing) directly, because if you get into the middle of it, then they get in trouble farther down the road, they may blame you.  Otherwise, if you know what squadron the service member is part of, call the first seargant anonymously.  Let them know you don't want them to get in trouble, but you know...c'mon...mow the yard already!!!

  2. If you're in housing, you need to find out who your community or block commander is.  It might go under another title but there's always a designated charge person.

    Second, call the housing office.  They'll make things happen.  In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to get the MPs involved.

    Use your own judgment if they look receptive to being talked to, do it.  Otherwise, avoid confrontation because YOU have to live there.

    Again, get the housing office and or block commander involved.  It's the only logical recourse u have.

    The last thing you should try is going through their command or post command.  I'm not saying not to, just make it the last thing you do.  Housing generally has the capacity to make every tenant practice good housekeeping.  Let them contact the local commanders--if needed.

  3. Sounds like the office of the Garrison Commander is not doing their job.  Firstly, you should complain to your neighbors in person.  If that gets you nowhere (which is probably the case), then I would definitely notify your housing authority.  If he's that way about his house, makes you wonder when the last time was he ironed is uniform.

  4. He's in the ARMY and doesn't even know how to keep his house and home clean.

    why am I not suprised.

    If their anti-social they probably will view you as a total B and not respect the things you say to them. They're old enough to know what the rules are and how to abide by them- you're not their mommy so i don't see why you should go there and tell them what they should already be doing. Just complain to the housing office and tell them that everyone on the base needs to abide by the same rules- their only hurting the community. No one enjoys an unmanicured lawn, esp on a base. Just shows lack of tidyness. I'm honestly suprised they weren't evicted yet. You get evicted in Marine Corps housing for not keeping the blinds clean! I mean seriously- get these pigs out already.

  5. Have the guys commanding officer look at his lawn. Make sure you get it on video and post it on youtube when it happens though.

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