
I live in canada .. is it cheaper to buy things here or in buffalo stores like abercrombie kids hollister & ae

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I live in canada .. is it cheaper to buy things here or in buffalo stores like abercrombie kids hollister & ae




  1. It depends. If you are buying a lot, you would probably get a better deal in the Buffalo-area. The stores also have a wider selection of clothing compared to the canadian stores.

  2. Its cheaper to buy the clothing in the store to avoid Shipping Costs, but if the store is far away and you end up paying more gas, then buy online...abercrombie kids/hollister/Ae are a little cheaper then A&F

  3. Right now with the currency exchange rate you'll probably be better off buying from Buffalo since our taxes are lower.  Just be careful when crossing the border because if you have a lot of c**p and they find it you may have to pay taxes.  Please, please don't leave your empty boxes and bags in the parking lot.

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