
I live in corpus christi and i am 15 looking for a job. Any answers?

by  |  earlier

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im not really looking for fast food joints but if that is all there is whatever




  1. i don't know.

  2. Im from Corpus too!

    You should try HEB Plus, they are ALWAYS hiring.

    I know fast food places like Chick-fil-a, burger king and stuff like that are hiring and Toys-r-us is hiring too.

    Good luck

  3. this site will tell you the laws for working at your age:

    i would try grocery stores (probably carry out only)

    my know a couple of people who started with HEB at 16, but i'd try anyway!

    and i've seen a 15yo at ChickFilA. <~~~ a great fastfood place!

    i thought Texas Parks and Recreation hires 15yo but i couldn't find the information online (it may be only in the summer)

    good luck and good for you for wanting to better yourself.

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