
I live in dubai ..and i miss my family .what should i do?im so sad.

by  |  earlier

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i can not go to my country now...




  1. if you and your friends and family download skype, you can see and talk to each other for free

  2. get a dog?

  3. Download Skype and you can talk to them via webcam for free.

  4. Call them, write to them, invite them over set a date when you can next see them.

    Take up something you enjoy doing to help take the focus off your family, you will probably feel more settled give it some time.

  5. haha i thought u were my younger cousin for a second bc she lives in dubai too. and she is in new york for most of the summer at a dance camp and she misses home too but not as much her family more so her friends. but i know it helps her feel better when she calls or emails or gets some kind of contact with them. also when she gets upset we talkthink about all the good memories or look at pics and think of good things and then we do something fun like go out to eat/watch a movie anything to keep  her busy and try and get her mind off of it.. good luck and feel better i know it sucks =]

  6. Aww .. Make loads of new friends and just enjoy your time with them

    Get a pet (dogs and cats are the best)

    Get something like msn and get a webcam you can see and chat to them !

  7. I think you should try and make some new friends and try and enjoy your life a little more.  It is perfectly normal to miss your family but since you are there, you have to make a good life for yourself.  It will make your family proud of you to know that you are happy and self sufficient and getting along without them.  If you convey unhappiness, then it makes them sad and they will worry about you.  So try and get out more and take part in things around you.  It is a very exciting place to be and a lot of people would love to be there so enjoy it while you can.  It might help to write your feelings down in a journal and review them all in a month and see if you have changed about how you feel.  Good luck.  


  9. Surf the web. Email them everyday.

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