
I live in georegia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they says theres tanks should i be worrie?

by  |  earlier

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i herd on the news that rusia has invaded but i dont see them no where wats going on???

(i have reposted the question for your entertainment)




  1. (Maryna Shukyurava) Rusia is a 38-year-old rock singer from Belarus. Although It is vaguely close to the formerly Soviet province of Georgia, I doubt even Ms. Rusia's fan club is large enough to constitute "invasion". I wouldn't be worried.

  2.  You have nothing to worry about except your geographical knowledge....

  3. Isn't just for our entertainment, thousands surely had called 911 already!! ja ja ja ja ja

    Now I'm sure.. the US basic education is a sh.. actually the UK people laughs of you all the time:

    You call your selves Americans?? America is a whole continent not a single country.

    Haitians came to this continent 100 years after than those from the Mayflower.

    Most of the people from Cuba are professionals, in France most of the Universities are free.

  4. OMG surely you can't be serious!  Then maybe you are!

    some ideas

    a) Learn to spell!

    b) The world ISN'T flat!

    c) Do what is suggested and learn about other parts of the world!

    d) start with my country "Australia" (Hint : its not near Germany)

    e) re d) : if you take into account a) then maybe it is!!!!!!

    f) If you are 5 then I forgive you for starting this!

    g) Re : f) - Have a GOOD CHAT with your parents, they have a lot to answer for!

  5. Haha, I saw this in an e-mail. She's became famous.

  6. Unless the Georgia you are in has a place called South Ossetia, you need not fear of Russian tanks and soldiers.

  7. LMAO



  9. how old are you? (serious question)

  10. Okay do you have your y2k supplies still? Do you have your hurricane supplies? Do you have a basement? If not do you have a shed out back? Quick get it all down in the basement or into the shed.  Don't forget the guns and ammo. Now seal yourself inside with plastic and duct tape. We'll send Bubba around to let you know when the russians are gone.  LOL

  11. I live in Madagascar and I have the shame kuestion! I also saw penguins and a Big-Foot! Are those the new Soviet-Union's weapons? I don't see Soviets anywhere near Bahrain. Is it true or a fake report about Soviet invasion? I am really scared! What should we do? Shall we run to by clouthes and foud supplies? Is it true that the Soviets are asking for help in East Germany? Where are the submarines? Where is Reagan ? Shall we start preying ?!?!  

  12. Um are u an idiot or something? do u not know that Georgia is in the U.S.A haha im guessing u dont know what that means either? let me say it 4 u UNITED STATES OF AMERICA u idiot, gosh the next time u ask a stupid question at least make sense

  13. Okay, they are not in the state of Georgia.  They are in a country called Georgia that is in the Soviet Union area located next to russia so if you in the U.S. of  Georgia, you don't need to worry.

  14. HAHA!!! I saw this earlier today! Thats hilarious!

  15. this is just too funny i seen it at a different website but thought it was made up but is cool i didn't know about mmmm.. yeah i did.

  16. LMAO!! Thanks for the laugh, I literally had tears in my eyes!

  17. Smile! Your on Digg!

    sorry, but 4000+ ppl are now lauging at you.

  18. are you related to bush?

  19. You must REALLY BE SCARED!! and you should be... this question/ image  has been also posted on Imagechan... wow.. I am from Alabama but s*it, LEARN SOME GEOGRAPHY!!! This is one reason I moved to North Carolina... people are so retarded the farther south you go... LOL!

  20. i just saw this qtion on a website and deciced to find it in Yahoo Answers.

    i mean....this is a really fun qtion...


  21. Lol! Oh, the world.

  22. LOL.. to bad people think you are asking this sincerely.. :) i saw this question today, it just made my day:

    Jessica M apparently felt ashamed about her geography knowledge.. and deleted the question.. LOLOLOLOL

  23. russia has a hate government.


    this is just too funny

  25. This has to be the MOST FUNNY question I have ever seen in here... but hey give the guy some slack he might never have heard of the country georegia :-D *LOL*

    But thanks for giving everyone a great laugh :D

  26. although you've reposted for our entertainment..

    you're not being funny.

    don't get me was funny the first time..

    this time its not cutting it

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