
I live in georgia but i dont see rusia no where not even sound but they say theres tanks should i be worrie?

by  |  earlier

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i herd on the news that rusia has invaded but i dont see them no where whats going on




  1. No, they had a seize fire. So, don't worry

  2. Oh, boy. You are hearing about Georgia the country, they are being invaded by Russia. They are a country on the south eastern border of Russia.

    You probably live in Georgia the state, here in the United States which is on a different continent than Russia.

    Keep looking, though! If you look long enough I am sure you are bound to see something! Just Kidding!

  3. Yes you should be worried. It is the slow start of World War 3. There is a phrophesy in Revelation 13 that Vladimir Putin is the antichrist.

    Take a look at this:

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  4. They're attacking through Florida as we speak, RUN, HIDE.

  5. I think they are in the country Georgia not state.

    If you are in Georgia it could mean you are living further away from the battle.

  6. I'll say this very slowly so you can understand...W R O N G  Georgia.

  7. You do know that the Georgia they are talking about is across the Ocean next to Russia, right?  This isn't the Georgia that is in the south of the USA.  

  8. If you are in The USA you should be ashamed.

  9. I should preface this by saying that I live neither in Georgia, nor Russia, nor even in the same hemisphere as you, so please don't put too much stock in what I have to say.

    As of today, most of the military operations are concentrated in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.  If you do not live in these areas, I don't think you're going to be seeing any tanks around. Russia has not declared any intention to advance to any other regions. These are the disputed territories at the moment.

    You really shouldn't listen to me though. You'll want to contact someone from your community who is more informed about what is going on there so that you can protect your safety.

    EDIT: I know it's not much help, but here is a current map (current as of August 15, 2008) that will show you that Russia has little military presence outside of Abkhazia and South Ossetia:

  10. do you live in the country of georgia, or the state?

  11. This is NOT Georgia, the Atlantic coast state. You know the one where Atlanta is.

  12. LOL.... i saw this question posted up on as well... nice one...

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