
I live in greenville nc and i planted two trees both are dieing what can i do please help leaves are black?

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I live in greenville nc and i planted two trees both are dieing what can i do please help leaves are black?




  1. With perennials, leaves do that anyway, not sure of your winter temperature/climate but if it has been cold don't worry. The main root of a tree is called a tap root. Tap as in water, and it is this root that soaks up the nutrition and water before dividing  for survival. If the soil temperature is or has been less than 55 degrees F then expect die back ,If your sure the tap root has not been damaged then it will come again in spring, Many people you know buy plants etc from garden centers and the like that have never seen temperatures below 70 degrees. You should really harden them off meaning acclimatise them to the reduction in temperature of your garden not a sudden reduction. Garden centers/stores want you to buy and lose so you will have to go back again to buy again. If in doubt dig down ensure the Tap root(long stringy thing on the base)is able to spread and is not folded under.Then you'll be fine.Don't worry

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