
I live in houston. Is there any chance I should evacuate for Gustav?

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I was here through all the other tropical storms and hurricans. But I don't want to go through Katrina. We were just hit with the back draft and we just losta lot of tree branches. But you never know. It could just be rain or a lot worse.




  1. Right now New Orleans is preparing to evacuate, but I haven't found anything about Houston needing to.  Hurricane paths can change, though, so keep an eye on it.

    You should be using this time to get your important papers together and to make sure you have nonperishable foods, batteries, first aid kit, any prescriptions, and water.  Make sure your car is full of gas and that you have mapped out evacuation routes.  You don't want to use the main interstates, because it'll be a parking lot.  Friends of ours who took backroads and left earlier fared better than the folks you saw on TV during the evacuation mess of Rita.  (We moved from Orange, TX not long before it hit)  You need to listen to the hurricane updates (also check the national hurricane center's site online) and gauge from there.  You will need to evacuate for a 3, but I'm not going to tell you what to do for a 2.  We ride out cat 1 and cat 2 because of being on high ground and being 40 min from the beach (in FL).  It really depends on where you are in Houston, where Gustav is going to make landfall, and if it is strengthening.  You may want or need to leave for a 2, and it's better to be safe.  Houston is a huge city, so it's much harder to evacuate from there than it is from many other places which means you really have to watch and decide sooner rather than later.  That being said, it sure seems like it's too soon to make that decision, but it's not to soon to finalize emergency preparations.  

    Don't be one of those people who just hops in the car with no food and water then looks like a fool on TV talking about how the government should take care of them.  It's everyone's responsibility to make their own emergency preparations.  We live in hurricane zones, so it comes with the territory.

  2. Katrina won't happen here.

    First of all, Houston is NOT below sea level. Second, we don't need levees to keep the water out. Third, we don't have corrupt state and local officials taking kickbacks from a levee board and pointing fingers at someone else. Fourth, we do not have half a million welfare moochers with their hands out demanding their Red Cross debit card so they can go out and buy X boxes and lap dances.

    Don't panic. Be prepared. The hurricane won't make landfall on the Gulf Coast until Wednesday. You have time.

    Go to this radio station's web site to check out storm information:

    Me? I'm prepared and we're staying put.

  3. If you live south of Alvin/Pearland/Kemah, then pack and be ready.  Wait until Monday to make a decision.  Have a place ready to go (friend or reservation at a hotel) and a plan on how to get there.  Do not go on the major highways.  I'd go out Hwy 90 and then north on 36.  I live in SW houston and Katrina knocked over one dead tree.  No other damage at my house.  We spent 18 hours in the car with two cats.  I'm never doing that again.  

  4. No I doubt it. Stop trying to be on tv.

  5. Unless you live on the coast or the east side of town, don't worry.  It really looks like it's going to hit the Louisiana coast and we'll be on the drier side of the storm.  If you tend to panic over these things, then take an impromptu, mini vacation to San Antonio, but leave now.  If you wait until they say the storm has changed course, then it will already be to late for a easy, quick evacuation.  Cheer up, it's going to be ok.

  6. I would have my car packed just in case you never can tell what a storm will do.

  7. yes you could or may have to it could come nearer to you with coming closer by hitting morgan city La. if you are in houston i would think about moving now for a week or so before the mess starts and then if you are only gone coupled day ok

  8. I'm staying put no matter what. I have been through a lot of the storms that have come through our area. I was around when Alicia hit i 1983 and didn't leave. The only time I left was when they thought Rita was going to come inthrough galveston. It took me three hours to go 17 miles thanks to a DPS officer making everyone turn and not letting anyone stay on the highway they were on. There was one light that kept turning on red in the next town and no one would run it. Everybody was going in the same direction so when I finially made it to the light I ran it then others started to. It took me 5 hours to get to San Antonio, then I find out that the storm went more to the east. This time, I am watching the weather channel and getting my information from them and ignoring the hype from the local news channels. My house has been here for over 60 yrs and nothing has ever happened to it, so I lose a few trees and shingles, but they are easily replaced. The kids/cats were staying put. but you need to do what's best for you and your family. Watch the weather channel for more accurate information.

  9. All I have to say is EVACUATE its a Cat. 5 hurricane. Now go for it. Evacuate before its to late.

  10. I'd think about what to secure, what to take.

    Should you have to evacuate, think of all the people in the world who live in war zones.You will understand how it feels to flee. You can come back, they can't...


  12. I would evacuate this storm because its going to  be a cat. 4 hurricane. live in New Orleans,LA and I'm leaving in about 5 hours or so. I think its going to be like hurricane Katrina or Rita. You don't have to evacuate. Its up to u guys.Good luck.Be safe.P.S. ur not below sea level, but i am below sea level.

  13. Yeah, it will rain here. It might flood if you live close to the LA/TX border, it won't be like Rita, it might be like Alison if you live on the coast from near Sabine and just a yucky few days for everyone between Sabine northwest to The Woodlands. Hang around and watch tv for the time being, unless you like driving during rainy weather.

    If you are really worried, go to Katy for a day or two.

  14. OMG get over the media hype. It's NOT going to touch us. Look at what happened during Hurricane Rita. TURN OFF THE NEWS! I mean that nicely.

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