1-what is FAA?
2-what is JAA?
3-what is ICAO?
4-is any object except above?
5-which one is better for training?
6-how can i undrestand,which flight school is best?
7-which is best for training pilot for carear,flight school,collage,university?
8-what is deffreent between flight school and collage and avation university?
9-where is best place in the world for train pilot and find job with low risk?
10-how cost is for train,ppl,cpl,IR?
11-all course of the pilot are ppl,cpl and IR? or it have more? if yes,please type the course and explain about it?
12-is any way (except to air force or military)to be pilot with low cost?
13-what is your besf offer for me to be airline pilot?
14-what is importance for employ in airline for pilot?
thanks for you for take your time to read and answer.
iman 21 iran