
I live in south NJ , I have a petit jury duty paper and it says to call to see if I have jury duty and?

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when I called Friday it said to call back Monday. When I called today it says call back tomorrow. Can they just keep me on hold like this all week? I think they are trying to get out of paying me for jury duty.I work for myself and I can't keep rescheduling jobs. Is there someone I can talk to or is this the norm for the government to s***w people. I want to do my civic duty but NJ is a joke. None of the NJ departments do their job. Not the MUA, the trash or recycling departments, or local governments do what they are suppose to around here. It's a small town so they just wing it.




  1. People always want to avoid your rights and duty as a U.S. citizen to serve on jurys.

    Would you want if your the one wanting a jury to have only people that can not work, draw welfare, uneducated, people on your jury, or would you want every U.S. citizen in your pool to pick from, the doctors, lawyers, presidents of business, educated, etc...

    It your duty and your right to make sure your peers get fair trials.

  2. It happens sometimes.  But I haven't heard of a situation as silly as yours.  It is likely because you are in a small town.  (I am from a relatively large town in North Jersey)

    You do always have the option of writing in and explaining why you can't serve.  Being self employed will usually fly.

    But I doubt they are trying to not pay you.  i think is is something silly like $8 bucks for the day.

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