
I live in southern CA, what is the best way to learn how to surf?

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i live in brea ca (O.C) what is the best way to learn how to surf? i have heard that there is a good beginers place in seal beach but not sure were. what do i need? do i need an instructor? were is the best place to learn? what is the best technique? what kind of board do i need? pleae give me some good advise. i would really like to go out this summer





  1. yeah a surf camp of just get a private instructor so you can have their undivided attention.

    Good luck

  2. if you're just starting out going to a surf school can be a good idea for a few reasons: one is that surfing is harder than it looks! unless you have a friend or relative who surfs well and can teach you, you aren't going to pick it up by yourself at first. the small things they teach at a surf school (timing and when to stand up, paddling techniques, etc) will be really helpful when learning. second is that these people are good surfers themselves who are more than willing to help you enjoy the sport and get better at it.

    after one or two lessons at a surf school, practice what you've learned. this is best done at an uncrowded surf spot in the white water (waves that have already broken).

    either rent boards or buy a solid used one. depending on how tall you are, a board around 7'6" is usually a good place to start. you want one that is a little wider and thicker as well as these will provide better stability.

    summer is a good time to learn because the waves and swells are (generally) smaller, but then again if the weather is nice there will be more people on the beach and in the water.

    for now, just get some lessons and practice!

  3. go surf alrede!

  4. im from the east coast so i cant tell you exactly where to go to learn to surf, but usually you should be able to find a good surf school or camp through a little online research.  the best place to learn is in smaller surf that breaks for a long time.  a long board is definitely easiest to learn on because they paddle easily and catch waves easily as well.  also the wider the board the better since it will be more stable, just make sure that you dont use a board that is too wide to easily paddle.  the number one rule that i always tell my friends when teaching them is to NEVER let the board get between you and the wave when paddling out if you are not on the board.  always try and stay either infront of the board or to the side of the board until you know how to read the ocean and predict what the waves will do.  (one my friends didnt follow my advice and got a concussion because the wave pushed the board into her head).  for more specifics on technique and personal instruction find an experienced surfer who is willing to take some one on one time.  camps and schools can be expensive but often lead to the fastest results.  other than that try skateboarding or other types of cross training to get your muscles used to traveling on a board.

  5. Don't go to surf school.... unless you want to learn fancy tricks and pay $1,000... If you wanna learn how to surf, then surf... I would just rent a board at a local board shop, and its probably a good idea to get a bigger board when you start out.... and bring some friends with you cause its not all that fun alone...

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