
I live in the Northeast U.S. and many people are buying wood burners, I'm worried about global warming?

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Is there any way we can ban wood burners?

tax them?

outlaw them?




  1. Tax solves nothing. Maybe they're cold. You do realize that volcanoes produce more CO2 than humans, right? Should we tax volcanoes?

  2. don't you worry about what your friends think of your question?. poor people may need to burn wood for heat...they are not all rich like you

  3. its a fad when people realize the work involved in cutting,splitting wood it will die off and then a glut of wood stoves on the market.People also don't realize that if you heat with wood your house insurance goes up dramatically,and if you don't tell them and your house burns down you are SOL on the insurance and if they find out through a inspection you could be cancelled or refused.Right now the price of a cord of wood may be cheap but if the demand goes up so will the price.No need to fret.

  4. Don't be silly. If a cord of wood is burned, it produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as the same cord left to rot. If there is any effect at all, it would be miniscule cooling from the particulate matter released.

    I'm biassed. I have burned wood for some years. Two local landscapers drop off trees that they cut in the neighborhood. The don't have to drive the wood to a landfill, saving on gasoline (and global warming). I don't have to pay for as much fossil fuels for heat, again saving from global warming. The ash gets spread on the lawn or garden, so I don't have to drive to the store for lime, another saving of gasoline. I also get a pretty good workout from cutting, splitting, and stacking, so I don't have to drive to a gym. Tax the stoves? Heck, you should be paying me to burn wood.

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