
I live in the UK but I want to go to university in the US.?

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I'm 20 my parents are retired so I cannot rely on them for funding




  1. Unfortunately if you cannot afford the costs of attending a university in the United States then there is nothing you can do. Tuition costs and living expenses for international students vary between $18,000 to $45,000 per year!

    If your parents or other family member cannot support the costs of this then it is up to you to save the money yourself or apply for loans through various banks but you should be very wary as you would still have to pay the entire cost back plus interest and you would not be able to take out a loan to cover the entire cost of your stay in the United States, you really need to sit down with your parents and discuss your future and what they and your family can afford.

    You may find that this move is not financial viable.

  2. get a proper document to get here in USA, be mindful that your documents or visa should allow u to go to school here, I would suggest to get a student visa. Bring your high school transcript and make sure that u'll pass the admission exam.

    Good Luck.

  3. It's going to be extremely expensive.  International students are not eligible for federal aid, including need-based loans, grants, and work-study.  Some schools require international students to prove that they have a certain about of aid before they can come over here to study.

    The best thing to do is to start early and investigate several might actually have a better chance at private colleges than public colleges (public colleges are usually "University of ---" or "--- State University") because they are supported by private donations and not taxpayer monies.  Look at the requirements for international students, and what kinds of scholarship aid that they offer.  Use e-mail to talk to some admissions counselors about how international students finance their degrees.

    Honestly, a visa is the last thing that you should be worried about at this point.  Student visas are relatively easy to get, but you have to have a sponsoring organization before you get it -- you can't get a student visa until you are admitted into a college.

  4. don't com here you guys hate Americans

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