
I live in the United States. Why do I have to push 1 for english?

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I can totally understand having to push a button to change languages, but shouldn't english be the default?




  1. You bet it should be the default, but quite frankly we shouldn't have any options for any other language in our country.  If someone can't speak English, they best learn and assimilate as quickly as possible.  I am increasingly upset that my bank has changed their ATMs over to at least 8 languages.  How in the h**l do you open an account if you don't speak English let alone figure out how to manage your account.  This is just nonsense.  We need to fight with our local and federal government to make English the defined language.  And isn't that a shame that we have to do that?

  2. Because other languages beside English are spoken int he US - Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, various languages of souteast Asia, etc.  Yes, people should learn English, and many of them do; but sometimes it's easier to express yourself in your mother tongue rather than in a second language.   It must be remembered that the United States does not have an "official" language.

  3. I agree but I can't figure out how to not hit a number and continue with the call.

  4. That's why English is #1 and Espanol is #2.

    There probably isn't a default as such.  

    Hey, live dangerously and push #2.

  5. Que? no comprende amigo?

  6. You already know the answer to this, because we have so many Hispanics. You just  have to adapt.

  7. Para ingles, oprimo numero uno.

  8. Because some people speak languages other than english, and thus telephone systems are frequently designed so as to enable such persons to use the system.

    Isn't that kind of obvious?

  9. To make accommodations for the Spanish speaking....

    numbers are increasing and people are getting lazier..

    and of course a good argument is that English isn't the official language.

    I'm Hispanic..but it does frustrate me when Hispanics are too lazy to learn the language and just feel like America should accommodate to them..

    some, especially the Mexicans still use the war as an excuse as to why America should be accommodating to the Hispanics.

    I moved here to better my life and this meant learning to assimilate in a country that opened their arms to me, I am forever thankful and in return I've done the best that I can to feel like this is my home...thus I've assimilated in all ways.

    I'm humble of where I ca,e from..but forced myself to learn English, because I realize this isn't Latin America..

    and it's not right .. in my eyes..

    making the lazy ignorant Hispanics think because of all the accommodation, they don't have to learn the English language, most do take advantage of it.

    I think once an official language is estalibshed..

    things will slow down in this route.

  10. Who cares?  Just push the d**n button and get over it.

  11. Porque para escuchar en español tienes que marque dos.

    No, I'm totally kidding.  But I don't know.  There are a lot of native Spanish speakers here now, so businesses recognize that and accommodate accordingly.  It means more business for them, which in return means more money, if they can reach greater demographics (Hispanic America).

  12. You have to select your language in the United States because there is no official language in the US.  There is a large portion of the population that does not speak English as their first language and whatever service you are calling is trying to accomidate these people.

  13. Because staying on the line usually nets you an operator after all else has failed, but it won't be a very motivated one.

    It'll be somebody who has been dodging your call the whole time but finally picks it up to get rid of that ringing noise.

    Push one, and that way, you prove you can hear and follow instructions and you don't make some poor call center lackey have to take your call after you sit there not pushing anything because you have some kind of English supremacy problem.

  14. Because English isn't the official language of the U.S... and it's getting very close to the point that it's not even the first language of the majority of citizens/residents.

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