
I live in the country and heard that "shrooms" grow in cow ****? My friends told me to walk through my field

by  |  earlier

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And try to find some shrooms. What do I need to look for? What do I need to pick to make sure its the right kind and wont completely **** me up?




  1. Ok. First off if you pick the wrong shrooms it can be the poisonis type and can kill you. So you have to be VERY carefull. Either go with an experienced shroom picker, or read up on ALOT of information about how to pick the right type of shrooms.Please dont die :]

    Usually you can fing shrooms in a pile of cow c**p.

    After it rains go shroom hunting.

    You can try looking under logs and under big branched.

    You can try this website to find information on shrooms.

    Have fun tripping!

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