
I live in the dorms, everyone knows one another but I don't know a single person. How do I make friends?

by  |  earlier

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I got a single room, but I live in a suite with four other people - they're all friends with each other and don't talk to me much.




  1. people like it when others are interested in their life, to be popular you need to be interested and friendly towards others.. Smiling gives the impression that you enjoy their company, that will make you seem more approachable and friendly. Also you need to act ike yourself, don't try to put on an act because people will realize that your lying to them and they'll get insulted. And finally try to join and force yourself to be more friendly adn outgoing in life.

  2. The first thing i would suggest is to get up RIGHT now! this is ur first problem your locked up in your room at your computer.  you need to go out into the lobby go where u see other people hanging out.  if u have a room mate go with her and meet some of her friends. Be friendly smile and try to talk to others u see. the best thing is to not isolate your self by spending hours on a computer, tv or wat ev. good luck

  3. Relax,  Breathe, just be YOURSELF........  take your time, to search out the good people who won't drag you down.......  join a study group, or a book club,  please watch your backside, tho........  

  4. Be nice to people when you see them in the hall and try to make friends with your roommate.  She will most likely introduce you to some new people.  Most of all be yourself!

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