
I live in tx. Can i be paid the remaining time of my 2 wks if boss said i dont have to come 2 work?

by  |  earlier

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We're on good terms and this is my final week at work. she stopped me today and told me that if i didn't feel like coming to work that it was fine and i didn't have to come in. can i be paid for the remainder of the week since i submitted my notice.




  1. If you have personal or vacation time that is unused, you may take that, but she is not obligated to pay you.

  2. Since you are on good terms I assume this is what she meant (that you would still get paid).  No guarantees, and if you do not go to work they certainly have the right to not pay you for it, but it sounds like you can just bag it and will still get paid.

  3. If I needed the money and I don't have any paid vacation left, then I would just ask the boss to be sure.

  4. She can if she wants to, but doesn't have to.  She only HAS to pay you, if you show up.

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