
I live in usa and my fiance lives in Brazil I wanted to get a fiance visa but if I marry her first in Brazil..

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...I do not want us getting married in Brazil to mess us up from being able to get the fiance visa.... does any one know if this will make it hard to get the fiance visa?




  1. You have 2 options: fiancee visa or spouse visa, you can`t do both. It depends on the State in US but in general it takes the same time to get the visa you want, either K1 or K3.

    check this sites: ,,

    using the services of a a specialized attorney can be very useful and save a lot of time and money, it'd cost around US$ 2.500,00, I checked once. good luck! :)

  2. ok this is right up my alley.

    The fiance visa will work, but it is not as safe as the spousal visa.

    The fiance visa, k-90 visa is based on her coming here for 90 days. During that 90 days you will have to marry or she will be sent back. The key to the fiance visa is for you to go there, have a party, take many photos to prove your legitimacy.

    After the party, you file the papers. This will take 6-14 months. She will get an interview and they will ask her questions to prove its worth.

    Honestly you should do what I did. I married my wife in Vietnam. Came home, filed the I-130 spousal visa form. It is much safer and the success rates are much higher. There is so much fraud with the k-90 fiance visa, they deny many many more then the spousal.

    Why not marry her there out of respect to her and her family. Big deal, have a simple ceremony. And when she arrives here, go to your church and get it blessed and invite your family:)

    dont use the fiance visa, trust me I know. mine failed and I lost 1 year of my life waiting. That is why we then did the spousal visa. The waiting time is shorter and rarely does it get denied.


    I understand what you are going through. Please email me anytime. Also go to for all the info on the forms and fees.

    Remember, dont hire a lawyer when filling out the paperwork. Do it yourself, its not hard, just be thorough.

  3. It will make it impossible to get it as you will already be married.  Then you will open up a whole new can of worms to worry about so wait a while and it will be better for all concerned.  something to think about...sometimes they want only an American name and the citizenship marriage to an American affords and when they get it, they are gone.  I know of many that it has happened to including me so beware.  You think it is love now but wait the time it takes for her to become a citizen and you will see if she is still in love with you.

  4. I am not an immigration expert, of course. But what we were always told on Mexican forums was if you got married in Mexico, there was a two year wait for her to get papers to come to the US.

    If you wait, you apply for the K-1 and it should come within a few months, then you bring her to the US and marry here, then she waits here for the two years for working papers.

    And, she can only go home during that two years with special permission, such as for family death or whatever.

    Better check with an immigration lawyer, assuming you have googled for this as best you can.

  5. If you are already married, you cannot get a fiance visa.  A fiance visa is for fiances only.

    The best thing to do is to stay in the U.S. and get a fiance visa.  Once the K visa comes through, then she can come to the U.S. - and you will have to get married within 90 days.

  6. Hey not all brazilian women want to get married to leave Brazil!

    many of them just love foreign men but want a man that would love to live in Brazil! So you need to find out her motives and if you are okay with her, then get married in Brazil or the USA.

    Once married in Brazil she will have to go through the usual USA immigration channels, but his can be done in six months and she can be with you in the states as your new wife.One friend did that, they are still together 5 years later in Brazil ! another friend  has racked up 16 years with his Brazilian wife in the USA! SO its not all  fake marriages!

  7. Like Betty K. says it’s a K-1 visa for a fiancé and a K-2 for a spouse and just about the same total amount of BS...

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