
I live in washington county portland oregon...what is the penalty for not showing up for jury duty?

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I live in washington county portland oregon...what is the penalty for not showing up for jury duty?




  1. From the Washington County judicial website:

    "If you are age 70 or older on the date of jury service, or if you are a woman breast-feeding a child, and if you request to be excused, the court must excuse you from service.

    For other types of excuse requests, you must show good cause why you should be excused. Requests by phone to be excused by these standards are not accepted. If you are self-employed or not paid by your employer for time spent on jury duty, you are not exempt from jury duty. If you have a critical medical condition, or otherwise have a critical conflict with jury duty, you must explain your situation in writing. Include proof such as a doctor's complete explanation, including whether or not you work outside the home, travel itinerary or copy of tickets, etc. In most cases you will not be excused, but we may be able to defer your term of service to a date not more than one year from your original summons."

    They don't state what will happen if you don't show up but I can pretty much guarantee you you'll be arrested for contempt of court.  Why don't you just do your duty as an American citizen?

  2. contempt of court..looky here, if you don't want to be a juror, you shouldn't have signed up to be a voter.

  3. Deportation - because you do not deserve to live in a country that tries to be free.

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