
I live near a small brook?

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and i want to how to dam it up so i can build a pond what should i use cement




  1. better check to be sure it's only on your property and then ask your local government office what might be the proper way to go about it.

  2. The brook has to be entirely on your property as well as any areas that would be flooded by the dam, and depending upon how small your brook is. I think if it's a public fishing brook  you'd have to consult with the DEC. But this is NY and it might vary from state to state.

  3. yes the brook has to be totally on your property.

  4. same as below three responses except another two to check with are your local government zoning office and in some cases the Army Corps of Engineers and each state normally has a group called Environmental Quality which does environmental impact statements - many lawsuits based on people obstructing or changing waterways even filling in swamp land.

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