
I live nearby railroad tracks..?

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My daughter LOVES thomas the train, and we're within walking distance of some tracks. Would it be legal for me to walk down there with her to watch the train as long as we don't get too close?? Are their health or safety regulations we would have to follow?? We're in a rural area, so car traffic isn't a huge problem..




  1. Yes its OK, just take sensible precautions against accidents.

    My son loved goint to watch the trains when he was little and we often used to spend an hour or so watching the trains go by, waving at the passenger trains and marvelling at the length of the goods trains.  My son used to call them Happy trains :D

  2. Yes, it's completely fine. Just stay far enough back, and make sure you don't cross any "no trespassing" or "private property" signs. It's legal so long as you don't ignore those signs.

    Keep in mind, though, that Thomas the train is a lot cuter than the freight trains you'll see. What you will see are dirty, noisy trains with lots of obscene graffitti on them.

  3. yes to a lot qeustions health wise there are more than a little chemicals spilled in little drops a lot of of trains passing daily a lot of years add up to a lot of toxic stuff not to mention yes you are breaking the tresspassing rule most  railroads do have

  4. Sure, just don't be surprised is the RR Police stop by to ask what you're doing.  Yes each railroad has it's own police dept.  Since 9/11 they have been a bit more active in protecting the right of way from "terrorist".  Though you most likely won't be bothered by them.  Technically the RR owns the land that they ride on so if you do get too close it could be considered trespassing.  I believe the RR's own approx 6-10 feet to each side of the track but don't quote me on the exact footage.

    Just keep a safe distance, and for viewing purposes I would suggest about 30-40 feet if possible.  It would let your Daughter take in everything a little easier than if you were close to the tracks.  Plus it's not so scary.  Defiantly wave to the engineer and brakeman.

    No health issues that I'm aware of.  I grew up in a train family.  Ahhh the smell of diesel.  Depending on where you live, check around to see if there are any museums nearby.  I know that Thomas has appeared at a couple of the local tourist rail roads around me.  Tickets usually go fast so see if you can make arrangements early.  Spring or summer is usually the best time to visit them, since most close or have a very light schedule for the winter.

    Keep on RRing.

  5. It should not be a problem as long as you do not get on their property.  I think that extends out so many feet on each side of the rails.

  6. Trains are dangerous and you should make sure to stay well back from them . I used to work on rail cars and I have seen rocks on tracks get shot like bullets when ran over. The land that the rails are on is owned by the railroad so they ask people not to tresspass on it. It would be safest to watch from a crossing at least 5 car lengths back . I would inspect the rails first (when no train is coming) to make sure nothing is laying on them.

  7. It should be OK provided you maintain a SAFE DISTANCE.  Also, this might be a good way to teach your daughter that while trains are interesting, there must be some FIRM safety rules.

  8. Hmmm ...considering  that you are within walking distance...maybe you shouldnt...unless she is old enough to understand the danger, and since you said Thomas I am guessing not.

    Train tracks and train yards are private property so you may get into trouble. Maybe if you are in your car and happen to be there when the train goes thru. or...

    Look for a place you can go that is specific to this... that will give train rides ...this would be better. It is set up for people to be around. A train yard is not.

  9. Call the local railway or sheriiff. Maybe a rail representative can give you a little informal tour, maybe not but worth a try. But safety is most improtant.

  10. as long as your child is under control you can get as close as you want


  12. Stay off from the tracks, and railroad property.  Also, do not take a camera with you in order to get pictures.  Engineers will call the local authorities if they see anyone standing along side of tracks taking pictures of trains.  This came about after 9/11 of course.  Though your case would be harmless, the police would show up to investigate.

  13. It's o.k. to watch, but maintain a safe distance since things occasionally fall off moving trains.  Picking up anything along the tracks is a Federal offence, so let it lay.  DON'T put pennies on the track to see them after they get flattened: They fly out with lethal speed as well as being flattened.

  14. I'm guessing your daughter is about 3-4?

    Make sure she understands the danger. I think the best way to do it is to find a safe spot for you and her to watch the train from the distance and make it a "special" event. Tell her that this is only yours spot to watch the train, children like to feel spacial. Do the trimmings, take a Thomas book with you or her favorite toy... just make a big deal out of it, so she will grow with a tradition of looking at the train at "her spacial" spot. Than when she is older you wouldn't worry about her being hurt

  15. if you wanna get a rush get as close as u can when the train goes by cover your daughter ears...and get the rush of your life.   i live with a high speed train that goes though are town the ACELA.  its sweet when your an arms reash out.

  16. There is  safety regulations. For 1 , the most dont go any closer than 4 ft to any crossing. And for more detailed info on that..there is a sign posted on each crossing stating the name and # of the railroad. Or you can lookup safety issues  under  N/F (Norfolk - Southeren ) Railroad , or CSX Railroad. Anything you want to know can be answered there.

  17. Should not be a problem as long as you stay far off the right of way. You might want to check your local phonebook for historical train museums or the like. Just be sure you and your daughter stay at least 30 feet away from the tracks as many times rocks and debris are picked up by passing trains at speed and can cause injuries.

  18. I don't see a problem as long as you stay clear and away from the tracks and hold on to your daughter so she will not run in her excitement to see the train in front of it.

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