
I live next to a bar that plays loud music almost every day, what can i do to stop that?

by  |  earlier

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The doors of the bar are open and the music can be heard every day until late hours




  1. Did you know that there was a bar next to where you were going to move? That's kind of a no-brainer. Bars are loud. Next time you move somewhere, check out the actual location around the home. I'm sorry to say, there's not much you can do. Now, if there is a noise ordinance in your town such as no noise after such and such hour, then maybe you could call the police if they violate that. But seriously, it's a bar! What do you expect?

  2. You can look into noise ordinances for the neighborhood.  If simply closing the doors is all they need, there shouldn't be a problem enforcing that.  You could be in for a long fight though.  If you moved in knowing the bar was there, you may not have a leg to stand on.  If the bar appeared after you moved in, you may have a chance.  Get other neighbors together and protest the bar if it is causing that much of a problem.  Start a petition.

  3. move.

  4. Nothing.. you live next to a bar.. they are allowed to make noise until closing time.. the police won't interfere with that either..they have a right to make some noise in a bar and play music until they close then they have to be quiet.. only option.. move elsewhere.. x*x

  5. move

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