
I live on a fixed income. Is thre any home schools for someone with a low budget?

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My 15 year old has to be home schooled due to personal reasons




  1. If you have a computer and Switched-On Schoolhouse is not just an inexpensive curriculum but one of the best.

    there is A.C.E. it is a pace book system and works well too.

    Both offer on-line schools as well but it is not required, you may still purchase through them directly.

  2. You may want to check in your area for a home school association, they often have curriculum for sale or trade.  There you would be able to to find the resources you need for your 15 year old.   You could connect with music, art, sports and other kinds of groups that  other home school parents have set up to co-operatively pay for an instructor.  You may qualify for government financial assistance to help you pay for the needed material - depending on where you live.  All the best to you, this will be a special time in your life together.  If you have never done this before, the first thing you have to remember is to leave the classroom behind.

  3. yes. home school can be what you want it to be. you can use the internet or the library. you can stick to the books or be as flexible as you want. you just need to cover the basics. Math, reading, spelling. Other than that, your fifteen year old can learn about what he or she wants.

    I hope everything works out

  4. YES! There is. Each state has a online schooling program designed for this kind of situation, and its FREE to residents of that state. You have to apply before Feb. 10th I believe however, so you might want to hurry.

    For example: I live in Wisconsin, and our free homeschooling is called INsight schools of wisconsin.

    They may have an insight for your state. There is also a program that runs through some schools, where the school has to pay for the student to be homeschooled.

    You might want to check with the local school, and check online.

    I don't know what state you live in, otherwise I would look it up for you.

  5. It depends on what state you live in. Some states require that when you teach at home it is considered a 'private school'.

    Some states  mandate that the parent has to teach their own child.

    You can do homeschool for free, depending on how you go about it.

    Use the library, there are millions of free sites on the internet to learn anything and everything you want to know.

    THe only thing is, this takes a LOT of planning and time.

    I do all this and hardly spend any money at all.

  6. There are books

    They cost money

    There is the library, they let you borrow books

    Books cost $4-25 each depending on source.

    Library is free.

  7. Do you mean a correspondence program or online program? Those aren't homeschools. There are homeschool academies, meaning you'll do their program at home, but even they aren't the homeschools--your home is the homeschool.

    There are some free public school programs, like K12 and Connections Academy. Some places have public school online programs unaffiliated with those two. Another option is to simply use library books, see if local homeschool groups have a lending library and do your own thing under the homeschooling laws. Yet another option is to see the school about independent studies or an at-home program--the resources would all be provided.

  8. Yes is completely free!

  9. Here is a website I know of that provides books to homeschool families.  The following is a quote from their website:

    "We provide books and curriculum to families who have financial needs. If you have budgetary constraints that are hindering your ability to provide your children with the best possible curriculum choices, please let us help."

  10. Here is a website that we use for many of our subjects.   This is an easy way to learn.   We are using the American Democracy videos for civics and supplementing with resources from the library and other online sources.

    Our biggest expenses are internet connection and gas to go to library.

    Here is link:

  11. Here's some info on ways to cut costs.

  12. Look in thrift shops and second hand stores.  Often there are materials there (at least I've seen quite a bit around here.)

    Check ebay.

    Check with your local library - you can check out materials for a certain amount of time.  

    Read, read, and read.  Read a variety of books, novels, history, biographies, and science.  Read cook books and gardening books, home repair.  Read a bit of just about anything you can get your hands on.

    As your 15 year old is in high school get a study for the GED book, this will cover the basics and make sure your 15 year old will have enough depth in each subject to pass tests.

    Join a home school group, they will have additional resources and ideas.

    Talk to your local community college, college or university.  See what programs they have for home-schoolers.

    Look around online.  There may be some material for free or for low charge.

    I would imagine with some planning and some guidance (through that library book) you can put together a good curriculum on a shoestring.

    Don't forget the most important survival skills that are not taught in school.  Teach your child how to open a bank account, how to balance a check book, how to write a resume and cover letter, etc.  

    Good luck!

  13. I would highly suggest, it's free and they send you the books and all. and if you don't have a computer they'll send you one, but its not yours to keep just to borrow. And they've got a great curriculum. But they only have it in some states, (they only have 15 available)

    here's the link.

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