
I live on a very bumpy dirt road. Is it better for my car to go slow over the bumps or fast?

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I live on a very bumpy dirt road. Is it better for my car to go slow over the bumps or fast?




  1. Slow.

  2. Well, it sort of depends on the bumps. If the bumps are sporadic and more like potholes, then it is better to go slower.

    However, there are certain types of roads that are divited on purpose. They look something like this:


    With those roads (more popular in Australia) going faster than 20 mph is actually a smoother ride.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Why would it be better to go fast? Anyways go slow. It's easier on the suspension.

  4. Actually, I would say somewhere in the middle. Too fast is gonna mess up your suspension but too slow can make the bumps harder for you. You need to play with your speed a little to find that speed where it doesn't feel like you are driving your car through a sink hole all the time

  5. I would go slow. Maybe pave your driveway or fill in the potholes?

  6. GO can't expect going fast over bumps to improve your car :)

  7. they had tested this and if you go fast its better but the guy is above is right its easier on the suspension if you go slow

  8. Common sense say:  Go slow so you don't rip off your exhaust system or something else. Call City Hall & see if the street department will fill in the bumps.

  9. It all dependws on your car.  But, MythBusters proved that at higher speeds going over bupbs casued a glass of water to spill less.  (Yes at faster speeds).

  10. UH DAH SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where do they get these people?? NO im sorry go very fast! Hey if you go fast enough you could fly over them ya thats it!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Go fast it's fun but bad for the car

  12. go fast as you can than you will go aireborne and over the top this how my girl tought me !!!!seems to work for her she is never wrong????/

  13. sloooow

  14. slow, more control that way

  15. Go slow.

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