
I live on the 10th floor. Will plants struggle to survive?

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I bought a plant when we moved in last year and it died in no time and two plants my mom gave me went really weird. LOL Can I expect the atmosphere up here to affect plants or am I just killing them?!




  1. Your atmosphere at the tenth floor is just fine.

    That's only approx. 130 ft. more in altitude.

    Your probably loving them to death.

    Some plants need full light some need partial light some need more water some need less.

    If watered every day you could be drowning them. (actually suffocating the roots)

    Water enough to soak through then check the soil with your finger each day. If is has any moisture to the touch at all its fine. First day it feels dry soak again. Plants like light but the amount is important too. My African violets like the morning sun only. so I leave them in the window on the eastern side of the house where the sun rises. They seem to stay in bloom and are beautiful.When transplanting or potting be sure not to bury deeper that original soil line on the plants trunk. Pay attention to which fertilizer might be best like  a solution of Miracle Gro once in a while. Some can stand direct sun light some need subdued (filtered light) For happy satisfaction with plants. study up on the name and read up on its needs. Once you learn the names of each plant and how much exposure to sun light and will have success and get compliments on how lovely YOUR plants are.



  2. Just make sure and spray them daily with a mist bottle...and also a cool air humidifier would be great for both you and the plant.  Can get one cheap at Walmart.

  3. Please do try what is said in your first two answers, but it might be you just don't have a green thumb. I have a great vegetable garden and flowers growing nicely all over my yard, but have no luck trying to have house plants. If you really want them go to a florist and tell them your living conditions. Ask them for something that will be easy to grow and hard to kill. Good Luck.

  4. put the plants by the window where it will get lots of air and sunlight.

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