
I live somewhere where our water smells and tastes like Sulfur...what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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we just moved here and someone said that it could be that we are living on a fault line and we had an earthquake at the beginning of the year i believe...but no one knows if there is a way to treat it or filter it... Any ideas?




  1. have your local water company or university test it.

  2. If you have a well you can chlorinate it.  Just pour 2 cups in the well when everyone is done using it for the night. Sometimes that helps.  If not call your local culligan water place.

  3. I would definitely have the water tested if you are on well water.   If you have city water complain to the publicworks department.

    The sulfur smell just might be due to hydrogen sulfide gas.

    For information on filtration/treatment options, check out the link in the source section.

  4. 1)  move

    2) buy water

    3) by a filter

    4) live with it

  5. Call the water company and stop drinking it until you get it tested.  The Department of Public works will be able to help you along with getting it tested.

  6. Well there are many things you can do.  It's great you want to do something about this.  We need people like that.  Well first of all you can maybe write a letter to an official or someone.  If you still go to school, you can ask one of you're teachers.  And then send it with your complaint.  But make sure not to be too inflammatory or they might be too angry to think anything of it.  Also, you can make a petition.  Get everyone in you're neighborhood to sign it.  I made a petition for Styrofoam trays in the lunch room and today the sandwiches were in paper plates.  I hope you make a change.  And remember, it takes one person to start anything.

  7. bottled water?

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