
I live with my boyfriend, and we have a 7 yr old girl and a 5 year old boy together. but I also have a 22 year

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daughter and a granddaughter, who live in Minnesota. I owe back child support for my 22 year old , Her Father and I divorced when she was 15. When i became preganant with my 7 year old I quit work and was unable to pay child support as I only qualified for Walmart and the pay would not Pay child Care. Now my children are in school, so I have gone to school to get an edducation, but thee Child enforcenment hass decided, it hass been long enough, I received a letter last week, they have threatened to take my license and maybe go to jail. They said they will call me in 20 days. It is the waiting and wondering, that bothers me. I really wanted to finish school and then get the job that will pay the bills




  1. I guess your daughter is going to college and that is why he wants the money,  money is always wanted in life.  Maybe you could at least try to pay a little back, like a payment plan at least make an effort.

  2. so why in the first place did you quit your job, you had a responsibility to this child, you just don't leave her with her father and move on!  you should pay this poor child all the back support you need, whom in this picture is more important?  you want to finish going to college well she probably wants to go and be a better person.

  3. What is your question?  The absent parent should pay child support.

  4. Why would they come after you now for back pay on an adult child? Shouldn't they have done that years and years ago? My question is who raised this question now? Did your ex do so in order to get money FOR the 22 year old? If the 22 year old needed money why didn't they contact you instead of getting the authorities involved? What good would that do now?

  5. If you attempt to make payments, they will not put you in jail. They also will not ushually take your license. So start making payments. Even if all you can afford is $20 a week. I live in New Hampshire. Here that is good enough to show efforts being made.

  6. How about getting married.   Then you and your new husband can work together on this problem.    Also, since the child is now 22 perhaps you can work something out with yiour ex and the authorities.   It is worth a try.

  7. I'm not sue what you're asking...

    call CSE and try to work out a payment plan or they'll garnish your wages, tax refunds, lottery winnings, insurance settlements etc.

    Do the right thing and pay it. The CP deserves reimbersment even if it's late

  8. only in Minnesota

  9. Geez, are you shacking up with my deadbeat ex?

    You created a child, and while I realize you may not have been able to afford the child support, you should've worked out something years ago.  It's kind of late now huh?

    My ex lost his license for not paying child support.  Too bad he was able to get it reinstated after paying fees and taking all the tests all over.  He also came >this< close to having his deadbeat butt thrown in jail.

    Make arrangements to pay off part of the back support, and start using birth control so you don't end up in the same situation with your current partner and kids.

    Your first priority should be to your children - starting with the oldest one when she was younger!  It's not about you - it's about them!

  10. Get legal aid.

  11. You owe your ex back child support and the law is that if you don't pay it they will take your license and put you in jail.  I suggest you start looking for a job that will help you pay that back child support because that is your FIRST obligation.

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