
I loaded my roomate my ATM card a few months ago, he was supose to get a 100.00 out, but he never returned my?

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..card back to me. . instead of taking out the 100.00, he took all 1200.00 out....the banck said " oh well dont leand out your card, " the police said its a civil case, and that never loan the card is there REALY NOTHING i can do about getting my cash back?




  1. No legal advice here, but I will say, "what goes around comes around."  Good luck.

  2. Wow!  That was incredibly naive on your part!  Unfortunately if you voluntarily surrender your card and PIN to someone, YOU are 100% liable for ANYTHING that they do.  Needless to say you must report this to the bank and have them cancel the card and PIN.  But the damage already done is on your plate.

    About the only recourse that you have is to sue in Small Claims Court.  That will be a Pyhrric victory though as you'll likely never collect from a deadbeat like that.  And there's no guarantee that you'd win your case either.

  3. you are completly liable like if you leave your window in your car open insurence wont cover you. apart from chasing him up and forcing him to give the money back your stuck . mabye say you WILL see him in court unless he pays up . I know how you feel coz a old friend  stole £40 which was about 6 months pocket money. he then ran off and i never saw him again. try to make a move before he is completly gone forever.

  4. You could sue him for the money.  But your chances of getting the money back are about non-existent.  Consider it a learning experience - an expensive one.

  5. Exactly.  Don't lend out your card.  Take this as a very expensive lesson and learn from it.  If the police say you can pursue a civil case, that may be your best bet, but I'm not sure the law can do much for you since you willingly let someone have access to all your cash.

  6. DUMB.  Learn a lesson from this.  You let him use the card.

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