i am in severe need of a hysterectomy ,i applied for health care, got denied(pre-existing)from 10 yrs. ago,i'm 40,so,you know,I've hade my problems.Husband has no coverage from his job,& I had to get LAST RESORT Ins. ,now have to wait 'till JULY!! already waited 2months! insane! I can barely walk far,in pretty much constant pain,Dr. can only do so much, Ins, won't help in any way,in regards to my problems,so he's limited. God help me, I actually thought of calling Bill Gate's!! on top of all this ,needing dental care!!I just hope I don't lose my mind along the way! already have anxiety disorder!PITIFUL!I know.It's actually pretty hard to sit here long.ALSO,am a RECOVERING alcoholic! could I list more? sure,but,think I've embarassed myself enough!!I really feel for any one else out there going through stuff because of NO help!